As February rolls around, I am starting to have many a conversation about the varying success rates of New Year’s resolutions. One story I found most interesting starts out in the usual way- individual signs up for trial membership at a gym; individual attends a free consultation with a personal trainer. In the midst of this consultation there is a discussion about goals and needs of the individual and a proposal is made indicating a workout plan and price point at which it can be achieved.
The interesting part for me is that the individual’s availability, financial position and starting goals were not really taken into consideration, resulting in the individual being set up for failure before they even got started.
Please remember as you enter into whatever activity you have chosen to achieve your New Year’s resolution that the key part is being active. Start with goals that fit your lifestyle and seek a coach/instructor/trainer that keeps you passionate about your activity so you will keep going.
Michelle Kudelka, RMT
p.s. Consider the S.M.A.R.T. criteria for successful goal setting!