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To book an appointment with Dr. Stef Cordes or Dr. Alex Verge, use the Book Now button.

Dr. Stephanie Cordes, ND – Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday
Dr. Alexandra Verge, ND – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

To book an appointment with Dr. Paulina Zettel, use her new booking site at

Dr. Paulina Zettel, ND – Monday, Wednesday (Elora), Thursday
Contact Us

Office Hours



Tuesday……………………………………IN OFFICE: 9am- 5pm (closed 12:30-1:30 for lunch)

Wednesday……………………………….IN OFFICE: 9am- 5pm (closed 12:30-1:30 for lunch)

Thursday…………………………………..IN OFFICE: 9am- 5pm (closed 12:30-1:30 for lunch)



*If your appointment is outside of regular office hours, your practitioner will let you in at the appointed time (door is kept locked)



Located in downtown Guelph, Kura Clinic operates out of the first floor of the old yellow brick building located at 15 Yarmouth Street. Originally built in 1875 for Dr. E.W. McGuire, the property has housed a variety of medically-related businesses, including the Canadian Red Cross. Following extensive renovations, we made it our permanent home in 2013.